Hermann Schlegelmilch

"H.S. - possibly Hermann Schlegelmilch of Zella-Mehlis who was a gun barrel drawer. Your longarm experienced preliminary/provisional proof in Germany due to the fact that it appears to be void of the 1st and 2nd marks signifying it experiencing proof in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Proof Conference of 1914 allowed countries to adopt rules to acknowledge each other's proofmarks although some countries like Franceand Italy didn't incorporate the rules into law until the early to mid 1920s. Your double has the rampant Bohemian Lion which is the mark of the 3 proof firing. The "NP" w/ sub. "W" is the mark of semi-smokeless or Nitro.

Maker, no idea just yet. It appears the maker or firearms merchant around Weipert purchased the components in the white from Suhl and/or Zella-Mehlis.

Kind Regards,


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